Zinc Stearate


CAS No.: 557-05-1

In its formal definition, zinc stearate is used as soap, a metal salt of a fatty acid. It’s a solid white substance that deters water. When heated, it becomes soluble in chlorinated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons like benzene, but insoluble in polar solvents like ether and alcohol. Of all the metal soaps, it is the most effective mould releaser. It has a hydrophobic effect and is electrolyte-free. Its primary industries of use are plastics and rubber, where it finds value as a readily integrated lubricant and releasing agent.

High-quality fatty acids are used in the modified fusion process to create zinc stearate, which has the following qualities: excellent lubricity, excellent water repellent, good clarity, and weathering stabilization. Non-toxic, does not stain sulfur, and barely forms any color at first.


Typical Physical and Chemical Properties

Properties Unit TMat – ZSP TMat – ZSG TMat – ZSR
Appearance Fine Powder Fine Powder Fine Powder
Color White White White
Specific Gr vity g/ml 1.001 + 0.05 1.080 + 0.05 1.160 + 0.05
Bulk Density 350 – 400 350 – 400 350 – 400
Metal Content % 12.50 – 14.50 12.50 – 14.50 12.50 – 14.50
Ash Content % 12.50 – 14.50 17.50 – 19.50 22.50 – 24.50
Loss on Drying % 1.5 Max. 0.5 Max. 0.5 Max.
FFA (%) % 1 Max. 1 Max. 1 Max.
Melting Point ˚C 125 + 5 125 + 5 125 + 5
Granulometry Screen 325 Mesh 325 Mesh 325 Mesh


When heated, this substance becomes soluble in benzene, acids, and common solvents but insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether.

Self Life

This product boasts an extended shelf life, standing the test of time when stored under optimal conditions. Count on its durability and reliability to deliver consistent performance whenever you need it.


This product is packaged in various sized multiwall bags super-sacks, unitized on non-returnable plastic pallets.


Store in a cool and dry place, once opened, the bag should be tightly closed after use.

Safety and Handling

Please refer to the MSDS, available on request.


Plastics As external lubricant for impact, crystal clear, general purpose.
Paints As dispersing agent. Also used as flatting agent and sanding agent in lacquers.
Rubber As mould release agent. Also used as dusting agent.
Pigments As dispersing agent. Also used as flatting agent.
Building As water proofing agent.
Textiles As water proofing agent.
Paper As water proofing agent.

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